06-4130 - Lockheed Martin F/A-22A Raptor - U.S. Air Force
06-4130 - Lockheed Martin F/A-22A Raptor - U.S. Air Force

Matrícula: 06-4130

Aeronave: Lockheed Martin F/A-22A Raptor

Aerolínea.: U.S. Air Force

Anotaciones: The Present and the Future together, in a short time All F-15 Eagle like 85-0101, will be replaced for the Best fighter ever created the F-22 Raptor

Aeropuerto: PAED - Anchorage Elmendorf-Richardson JB (Elmendorf AFB)

País: Estados Unidos

Fecha: 2010-04-02

Anotaciones: The Present and the Future together, in a short time All F-15 Eagle like 85-0101, will be replaced for the Best fighter ever created the F-22 Raptor

Foto ID: 56141

Vistas únicas: 646

URL directo: https://aviacioncr.net/foto/?id=56141

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Fotografía agregada a la base de datos el día 2012-03-11 13:45:43