G-VIIT - Boeing 777-236(ER) - British Airways
G-VIIT - Boeing 777-236(ER) - British Airways
Jacob I. Garcia Guevarez - TGAS

Puerto Rico | 104 fotos

Matrícula: G-VIIT

Aeronave: Boeing 777-236(ER)

Aerolínea.: British Airways

Anotaciones: Two notices, the first one is the peculiar red nose. And the second is.. The Birds are too close to the airplane!!!

Aeropuerto: TJSJ - Luis Muñoz Marín Internacional

País: Puerto Rico

Fecha: 2011-04-15

Anotaciones: Two notices, the first one is the peculiar red nose. And the second is.. The Birds are too close to the airplane!!!

Foto ID: 42542

Vistas únicas: 816

URL directo: https://aviacioncr.net/foto/?id=42542

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Fotografía agregada a la base de datos el día 2011-04-18 17:23:47