N500EJ - Douglas C-54E Skymaster - Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation
N500EJ - Douglas C-54E Skymaster - Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation
Angel Duran // Westside Plane Spotters

Puerto Rico | 383 fotos

Matrícula: N500EJ

Aeronave: Douglas C-54E Skymaster

Aerolínea.: Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation

Anotaciones: Dedicated to all Ramey AFB Historical Asociation, all Puerto Rico Planes Spotters and all the people that make this event happened. Thanks all.

Aeropuerto: TJBQ - Aguadilla - Rafael Hernandez (Borinquen Field)

País: Puerto Rico

Fecha: 2009-04-25

Anotaciones: Dedicated to all Ramey AFB Historical Asociation, all Puerto Rico Planes Spotters and all the people that make this event happened. Thanks all.

Foto ID: 29477

Vistas únicas: 634

URL directo: http://aviacioncr.net/foto/?id=29477

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Fotografía agregada a la base de datos el día 2009-05-01 10:52:31