D-CARY - HFB 320 Hansajet - Privado
D-CARY - HFB 320 Hansajet - Privado
Marc Volland

Alemania | 144 fotos

Matrícula: D-CARY

Aeronave: HFB 320 Hansajet

Aerolínea.: Privado

Anotaciones: The Hansajet was the first german build jet aircraft after WW2. 47 aircrafts were build, but there are only a few survivors. This one was build in 1965 and was fliying untill 1995. It spend most of it`s time in the USA flying for various owners. It is the first Hansajet to the database. I hope you like this little plane. Sorry for the bad quality as the weather was really awful and the plane is hard to photograph.

Aeropuerto: Luftfahrtmuseum Hannover

País: Alemania

Fecha: 2008-09-06

Anotaciones: The Hansajet was the first german build jet aircraft after WW2. 47 aircrafts were build, but there are only a few survivors. This one was build in 1965 and was fliying untill 1995. It spend most of it`s time in the USA flying for various owners. It is the first Hansajet to the database. I hope you like this little plane. Sorry for the bad quality as the weather was really awful and the plane is hard to photograph.

Foto ID: 23268

Vistas únicas: 586

URL directo: http://aviacioncr.net/foto/?id=23268

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Fotografía agregada a la base de datos el día 2008-09-16 07:48:20