52+37 - Nord N-2501/2502/2504 Noratlas (Genérico) - Luftwaffe
52+37 - Nord N-2501/2502/2504 Noratlas (Genérico) - Luftwaffe
Marc Volland

Alemania | 144 fotos

Matrícula: 52+37

Aeronave: Nord N-2501/2502/2504 Noratlas (Genérico)

Aerolínea.: Luftwaffe

Anotaciones: This airplane was withdrawn from use in 1972. It was then transfered to Schwelm and used as a Restaurant, but that was years ago. The condition today is really, really sad !!

Aeropuerto: Fuera aeropuerto - Schwelm

País: Alemania

Fecha: 2008-06-05

Anotaciones: This airplane was withdrawn from use in 1972. It was then transfered to Schwelm and used as a Restaurant, but that was years ago. The condition today is really, really sad !!

Foto ID: 20557

Vistas únicas: 676

URL directo: http://aviacioncr.net/foto/?id=20557

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Fotografía agregada a la base de datos el día 2008-07-05 20:16:04